VVD Codes

Please find below our current VVD code to better help you during your construction or remodel process…

Table of Contents…







101.1      Scope.   Refuse equipment access shall be in accordance with Article 1.

101.2      Permits and Plans.

101.2.1   Permits.   A permit is required to build or construct any type of refuse equipment access road.

101.2.2     Plans.   Refuse equipment access.   Plans for refuse equipment access roads shall be submitted to the City of Mesquite and Virgin Valley Disposal for review and approval prior to construction.   Bins and enclosures.   Plans and specifications to access bins and bin enclosures shall be submitted to the City of Mesquite and Virgin Valley Disposal for review and approval prior to construction.


102.1   General.   Refuse equipment access roads shall be provided and maintained in accordance with 101 and 102.

102.2     Refuse access roads.

102.2.1   Required access.   Refuse equipment access roads shall be provided in accordance with Sections 101 and 102.2.

102.2.2   Specifications.   Dimensions.   Refuse equipment access roads shall have an unobstructed width of not less than twenty- four feet (24’) provided that no parking is allowed, not less than thirty-two feet (32’) if parallel parking is allowed on one side, and not less than forty feet (40’) if parallel is allowed on both sides.  Unobstructed vertical clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches.

EXCEPTION:    Vertical clearance may be reduced, provided such reduction does not impair access by refuse equipment and approved signs are installed and maintained indicating the established vertical clearance when approved.

Vertical clearances or widths shall be increase when, in the opinion of Virgin Valley Disposal, vertical clearances or widths are not adequate to provide refuse equipment access.   Surface.   Refuse equipment access roads shall be designed and maintained to support the imposed loads of refuse equipment and shall be provided with an approved surface so as to provide all-weather driving capabilities.   Turning radius.   The turning radius of a refuse equipment access road shall be no less than forty-five feet (45’) outside and twenty-one feet (21’) inside turning radius.   Cul-De-Sac Approaches.   Cul-de-sac approaches shall have a minimum right-of-way radius of fifty-one feet (51′) for single-family and two-family use, and sixty feet (60′) for all other uses. The maximum length shall be no more than five hundred feet (500′) from the nearest intersecting through street. This depth limit applies to multiple streets having only one outlet to an arterial or collector. Development on cul-de-sacs longer than three hundred feet (300′) shall not generate more than one hundred (100) vehicle trips per day as projected using current data from the Institute of Transportation Engineers. (Please refer to C.C. Drawing No 212)   Cul-De-Sac Turnarounds.   Cul-de-sac turnarounds shall have an outside curb radius of fifty-one feet (51′), plus sufficient area to accommodate sidewalks within the right-of-way, plus easements as needed for utilities, including drainage and mail service. Temporary turnarounds may be provided at the end of streets that will be extended within three (3) years from the beginning of development activity on the cul-de-sac. (Please refer to C.C. Drawing No 212)   Temporary Cul-De-Sac.   A street in a phased development may be constructed without a turnaround if it is constructed one lot in length. A street constructed in a phased development which is longer than one lot shall have a temporary turnaround meeting the cul-de-sac dimensions. All temporary cul-de-sacs shall be asphalt surfaced. (Please refer to C.C. Drawing  No 212)   Hammerhead Approaches.   Hammerhead approaches shall have a minimum width of sixty-one feet (61′) B.C. (Back of Curb) for single-family and two-family use.  The maximum length shall be no more than five hundred feet (500′) from the nearest intersecting through street. This depth limit applies to multiple streets having only one outlet to an arterial or collector. (Please refer to C.C. Drawing No 213)   Hammerhead Turnarounds.   Hammerhead turnarounds shall have a minimum width of sixty-one feet (61’) B.C. (Back of Curb) plus sufficient area to accommodate sidewalks within the right of way, plus easements as needed for utilities, including drainage and mail service. Temporary turnarounds may be provided at the end of streets that will be extended within three (3) years from the beginning of development activity on the hammerhead. (Please refer to C.C. Drawing No 213)   Dead ends.   Dead-end refuse equipment access roads in excess of fifty feet (50’) in length shall be provided with approved provisions for the turning around of refuse equipment.  When dead-ends cannot be installed in the fifty feet (50’) limitations due to location on property, topography, waterways, non-negotiable grades or other similar conditions, Virgin Valley Disposal is authorized to extend this limitation to a maximum of one hundred fifty feet (100’).  These conditions will be approved on a case-by-case base, by Virgin Valley Disposal.   Bridges.   When a bridge is required to be used as part of refuse equipment access road, it shall be constructed and maintained in accordance with nationally recognized standards.  See Article 90, Standard a.1.1.  The bridge shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads of refuse equipment.   Grade.   The gradient for refuse equipment access road shall not exceed twelve percent (12%) grade.  Angles of approach and angles of departure shall not exceed six percent (6%) grade for twenty-five feet (25’) prior to or after the grade change.



201.1   Scope.   Trash enclosure location and specifications shall be in accordance with Article 2.

201.2   Permits and Plans.

201.2.1   Permits.   A permit from the City of Mesquite is required to build or construct any type of trash enclosures. All others areas need to get prior approval before building any type of enclosure. This will ensure that our trucks will be able to access the enclosure in a safe and productive manor.

201.2.2   Plans.   Trash enclosure location and specifications.   Plans for trash enclosure locations and specifications shall be submitted to Virgin Valley Disposal for review and approval prior to construction.


202.1   General.   Trash enclosure locations and specifications shall be provided and maintained in accordance with 201 and 202.

202.2      Trash enclosure access. 

202.2.1   Bin/bin enclosure access.   Virgin Valley Disposal must have a drive-in access, which needs to be free of all over head wires, low hanging trees and a safe distance from motor vehicles.

    Clear visibility for all interior drive aisles shall be maintained. (Ord. 167, 5-20-1996)

    Trash enclosures shall be located so as to minimize disturbance to single-family residential development. Trash enclosures shall be at least fifty feet (50′) away from any single-family residential zoning district, unless the adjacent property is undeveloped and the City Council determines that the setback will not fulfill its intended purpose at the present time. (Drawings detailing requirements follow at the end of this Section.) Projects requiring trash enclosures must be designed to City standards and all locations must be approved by the Sanitation Department before approval of construction plans. (Ord. 181, 4-8-1997)

    These provisions apply only to solid waste collection accounts not required to participate in the ninety (90) gallon automated collection system. (Ord. 218, 5‑25‑1999, eff. 6‑17‑1999)

202.2.2      Specifications.   Dimensions.   Trash enclosures shall be six feet (6′) high (plus or minus 8 inches), constructed of masonry, cement or concrete block and shall have screened gates. The floor of the trash enclosure shall be a concrete pad, which shall extend thirty feet (30′) beyond the opening of the trash enclosure.  The concrete pad, which extends beyond the trash enclosure, shall be level. The thirty feet (30’) concrete pad can be waved when done in writing.  The waver must be in letter format addressed to Virgin Valley Disposal, Inc. releasing the City and Virgin Valley Disposal of any asphalt damage.  The walls of the trash enclosure shall be eleven feet (11’) wide from inside to inside of enclosure.  The depth of the trash enclosure shall be eight feet (8’) from the front of the trash enclosure to the back of the trash enclosure wall, again being inside to inside measurements.  The bottom of the trash enclosure shall have a four inch (4”) by six inch (6”) concrete buffer surrounding the three (3) inside walls of the trash enclosure.  All enclosures shall have in front of the trash enclosure two (2) six inch (6”) ridged pipes, one being on each side, to swing the gates on.  Gates must be mounted on the outside of pipe for proper opening and closing. (Please refer to drawing 102A through 102B)

 EXCEPTION:   When conditions arise and it is determined by the Solid Waste Management that a temporary trash enclosure is suitable, a six foot (6′) high cyclone fence with a six foot (6′) high solid landscape hedge and/or berm may be substituted in lieu of a wall where appropriate, with approval by the City Council.

The concrete pad which extends beyond the trash enclosure shall be level where conditions cannot be met due to location on property, topography, waterways, non-negotiable grades or other similar conditions, Virgin Valley Disposal is authorized to change this pad to no more than two percent (2%) grade.   Accessing the enclosure.   When a straight-on approach cannot be accomplished to access the trash enclosure, a radius of not more than thirty-one point nine degrees (31.9`) shall be used to make the approach into the trash enclosure.  The front of the trash enclosure shall be located no less than fourteen feet (14’) from any object or obstruction, either overhead or on the ground.  These measurements are taken from the obstruction to the closest corner of the enclosure.  The backside of the trash enclosure shall be located no less than one foot (1’) from any object or obstruction, either overhead or on the ground.  The distance from any obstruction to any other obstruction shall not be less than thirty-five feet (35’)  (Please refer to drawing No 102C) There must a curb or barricade leading from the existing curb to the bin enclosure so as to prevent parking. (Painting is not acceptable when preventing parking) All curbs must be on the outside of the trash enclosure.  All curbs must be rounded, with no square or pointed ends leading to the bin enclosure.  This is to prevent tire damage.  Enclosure Specifications.   All gates must have privacy slats installed, or something of equal design to eliminate the viewing of the bins to the public.  All gates must have its own cane bolts to ensure the gates stay closed and/or opened when serviced.  If H.U.D. specifications are required, the handle of the cane bolt can be no less than four inches (4”) in length and must not be able to operate higher than thirty-six inches (36”) or lower than twenty-four inches (24”).  If waver is signed for the thirty feet (30’) concrete pad then cane bolt holes must have a metal pipe-sleeve installed in the asphalt to eliminate the asphalt breakage. 

   Gates are not allowed to have locking devices on them.  All gates must be marked “NO PARKING” to ensure proper access to the bin enclosures.

   All enclosures must be properly identified with a minimum of six inch (6”) letters or numbers, visible from the front of the enclosure.